Thursday, October 15, 2020

Speech Theories and Today's World

     As I read over the Speech Theories tab, and see how each theory can connect to Today's world, one theory that I can most relate to is the Protect Dissent. What Promote Dissent means is that we, as american citizens, have the right and duty to criticize the government when they do something wrong. Because the american citizens have the right and duty to criticize the government, it helps keep the government from running everything and keep the people's voices heard. And there are so many famous people who promoted Dissent, like Malcolm X and John McAfee.  

    For example, the actual, peaceful Black Lives Matter protests that are taking place in certain cities, where the protesters are speaking their minds and using their First Amendment rights to speak up against the government for the wrongs they do and they speak against the corrupt politicians who do nothing about injustices. Another example of Dissent is the Antiwar movements that are still around today, even though they are not focused on as much as they were during the Vietnam War in the 1960's. These groups speak out against the government going to war, using propaganda and other forms to communicate their message. 

    By promoting Dissent, we basically show how it is allowed and encouraged to criticize the government and make sure they do what is right. While most citizens criticize the opposite party they are a part of, some choose to criticize the both parties or even their own party. This actually helps keep the entire government in check and can help everyone in the long run. Being able to speak up, especially in Today's world, is so important to keep our voices heard, since the government no longer works for us, they work on their own agenda. 

    I believe this theory applies most to Today's world because today, more and more people are speaking up for what they believe and standing up to the government. With the protests and the very vocal election followers, Dissent hasn't been this high since the Civil Rights movement. Today, people are waking up and realizing that our voices still matter and that our voices should remain heard. Our country was built, "of the People, by the People and for the People," and the citizens want it to return to that state. 

    In conclusion, Dissent relates most to Today's world and it relates heavily with me as a person living in America. The idea that I can make sure the government does it's job right and my voice is heard and taken into consideration really gives me hope that this country can become great again. 

More about Political Dissent

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