Sunday, October 11, 2020

Antiwar: Where'd it Go?

     Anti-war has been around since the 60's, starting during the Vietnam War. These protests and campaigns tell people why war is a terrible thing and why America should stop going to war. They usually site reasons like the killing of innocents caught in the crossfire. However, these days, the antiwar movement hasn't been in the news or the spot light. There are several theories online, but here is what I think.

    I believe that the government has found a way to subdue the movement and the different organizations that are a part of it. They have been able to silence them in order to keep more people to join the war effort. I believe it also has something to do with the antiwar effort having a lot of information about the war that the government doesn't want the public to know about. This is what I think happened to the antiwar effort.

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